Writing Implementation
Writing is taught through a range of exciting stimuli which includes books, film clips, artefacts, visitors and real life experiences. We strive to equip children to develop a rich vocabulary which can help them bring their writing to life. Basic skills and non-negotiables underpin writing in all areas of the curriculum. Teachers model the writing process and demonstrate the ambitious high standards expected of all children. Every child is encouraged to let their imagination and personality shine through in their writing. We aim to foster a positive writing culture in school, through a variety of ways: inspiring writing through high quality texts, writing areas, class library areas, displays, sharing of work with each other, writing for real purposes where possible, rewards and chances to enter writing competitions. Staff have received CPD according to the age-phase that they teach, and understand the progression of writing skills across the school. This is further validated through cross key-stage writing moderation opportunities.
The writing curriculum is underpinned by a reading to writing teaching sequence - using high quality texts as stimuli and vocabulary enrichment. There is a reading and responding phase; reading and analysis phase; gathering content phase; planning phase; writing phase, which includes scaffolded and independent outcomes. Children discuss books, explore the language used and use these ‘models’ as hooks for their own writing. An importance is placed on oral rehearsal prior to writing at each key stage, which may include a range of speaking, listening, drama and role play approaches. Spelling, punctuation and grammar skills are taught discretely and where possible applied in context. Teachers model writing, showing composition, how to use precise and effective vocabulary and how to apply grammar, spelling and punctuation skills. Children are encouraged to re-read aloud writing which has been modelled. Short writing opportunities are planned for within units of work and units work towards a specific outcome e.g. narrative or non-fiction piece of writing, poem, oral or ICT based outcome. Editing and proof-reading skills are modelled by teachers and children use green pens to edit their own work (on the left hand side of English books if more than an odd word is needed to be changed). This may be aided by feedback across the writing phase. Independent writing opportunities are based on the genres and skills which have been recently taught. They may be an innovation of a narrative, emerge from topics, experiences or cross-curricular links.