Nursery Admissions for our September 2025 intake
Parents are invited to fill in an application form which can be obtained from the school office or online via the link below. We offer both full time and part time places, with full time places offered to those parents who are eligible for the 30 hours free childcare. Please check to see if you are eligible before applying for your place.
You can apply online via our nursery application form, or visit the school office for a paper form.
The criteria for accepting children at South Failsworth Community Primary School are as follows:
- Looked after children or children who have previously been looked after
Those children who are considered to have exceptional medical needs or exceptional welfare considerations which are directly relevant to our school. Parents must submit evidence to support their application under the criterion: Exceptional medical reasons must be supported at the time of application by a letter from a GP, hospital consultant or other medical professional. Providing evidence does not automatically mean that a place will be allocated under this criterion. - Exceptional welfare considerations must be supported at the time of application by a letter from a supporting agency (social worker, family support worker) indicating how the circumstances relate to the school preference. Providing evidence does not automatically mean that a place will be allocated under this criterion.
- Siblings (regardless of whether they would like part time or full time)
- Full time applications (those eligible for 30 hours) and proximity to school
- Part time applications (those with no siblings and not eligible for 30 hours) and proximity to school.
Nursery Admissions for September 2025
Applications for children who are 3 between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 are welcomed from 1st September 2024. The closing date for nursery applications is Friday 31st January 2025.
Please use this form when applying for a part time nursery place for your child. We offer the following nursery provision:
Full time nursery places (30 hours) for those families who are eligible for the 30 hour childcare provision, please note that there is an additional charge of £38 per week for a full time place as the nursery operates for 32.5 hours and we also provide snacks and lunch each day.
Morning place (9.00am - 12.00pm)
Afternoon place (12.30pm to 3.25pm)
Once you have submitted your application form, we will confirm to you during February 2024 if your child has secured a place or is on our waiting list.
Reception Admissions
Please click here for information about how and when to apply for a Reception school place for September 2026. Please click here for Oldham Admissions policy
Children born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 will be eligible to start Reception in September 2026. The closing date is to be published at a later date.
The LA makes the decision for allocating reception places using the following criteria:
- Looked after children or children who have previously been looked after
- Please see note 2. for nursery admissions above
- Siblings
- Proximity to school
In Year Transfers
If you move into the Failsworth area and wish to transfer your child to our school, you will need to contact Oldham Council's Admissions Team on 0161 770 4213 and complete an In-Year transfer form. If we have space available you will be offered a place. If we are full in your child's year group the authority will add your details to our waiting list.
Further information
For further information or to view the authorities admissions policy, please visit Oldham Council's admission page on their website.
Secondary School Applications
Please click here for information about applying for a secondary school place in September 2024.