Safeguarding and Child Protection
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Alison Murray (Deputy Headteacher)
Alison can be contacted at school on 0161 681 6351 or by email:
Safeguarding means everything to do with keeping children safe. For example it can be as simple as stopping children from running down corridors to making sure equipment and resources are working properly.
Read our school's safeguarding statement below.
You can view our child protection and safeguarding policy below.
Child Protection is when children are at risk of significant harm because they have been neglected or because of concerns to do with physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Such high level concerns are dealt with by the senior designated staff in schools. At South Failsworth this is Alison Murray. When we are informed or become worried about child protection concerns it is the school’s job to report our concerns to Children’s Services. We are not the investigating agency, that is another aspect of Children’s services, usually Social Services.
We share the following information with the children:
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- In the case of an accident all members of staff’s first course of action is to reassure the child and to ascertain the level of injury.
- We have designated First Aiders on the school site at all times.
- If your child has an accident in school the class teacher will inform you of the nature of the accident and the course of action taken.
- In cases of bumps to the head you may be telephoned or you will receive a note depending upon the severity of the incident.
- If your child requires medical attention or is still unwell after a period of time we will telephone parents/carers to come into school. Therefore it is vital that we have up to date contact telephone numbers.
- All accidents are documented in line with Oldham local authority’s agreed procedures.
From the 1 July 2015, the new Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty, known as the Prevent duty, on all schools and academies, to have due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. All staff working in schools must know how to recognise, respond and refer children and young people who are vulnerable and at risk of radicalisation. Schools also have a key role in building children’s resilience to being drawn in to terrorism.
Click on the following link for documentation : Revised PREVENT duty guidance
Click on this link to take you to a website - helping to prevent child sexual abuse. There is lots of useful information, including how to tell if a child's sexual behaviour is normal for their age.
OTHER KEY DOCUMENTS- can be found listed below
Department for Education Keeping Children Safe in Education document